Monday, June 27, 2011

I think it'd be fun to be a robot for a day.
...beep boop beep...
I think it'd be fun to be a robot because I'd be so efficient. I really like efficiency.

But the kingdom is not efficient. The love of God isn't efficient- it's extravagant.
Jesus presents the kingdom as one that is established, not through power, but through patient and abounding love.

"He did not come to prove Himself. He did not come to walk on hot coals, swallow fire, or put His hand in the lion's mouth to demonstrate that He had something worthwhile to say." (p.55)

If the worthiness of Christ as my Savior is not the demonstration of His power, but the demonstration of His character, then I desire that as well. I desire that my worthiness to be His daughter would not be the demonstration of how quickly I grow or learn new concepts, but by the demonstration of how deeply rooted I am in the simple truth that He loves me as a human, not a robot.


  1. If you were a robot, I would learn robot code just to reconfigure your greeting to say,' Hello, my name is Natalie.'

  2. i guess i wouldn't mind because robots don't have emotions. i don't think.
