"But the story of God is not a saga of human potential; it is the revelation of the kindness and passion of the Father who seeks and redeems sinners." (p.149-150)
this doesn't sound like something a robot-god would be a part of. this whole "revelation of the kindness and passion of [a] Father" sounds more like something that i, a human being, want to be a part of.
part II:
"True confidence is courage that has been humbled. A limping leader understands this: 'I don't know if I am right, nor am I sure the path chosen is the best, but after reflection, feedback, debate, and prayer, I am choosing this path. In the process, I will seek life like water and drink death like wine.' " (p.74)
this part of the book hit a different part of me. this part specifically reminded me of the difficult situation Sam and i went through while discussing marriage with my mom. when Sam and i met with Bob for advice and counsel, the most impressing thing Bob said to us was a variation on the quote above. Sam and i needed to choose a path and resolutely move forward. part II of this post didn't remind me of leadership, but rather, this quote opened a beautiful conversation between myself and the Lord where i sat in gratitude for allowing the Lord to teach me about true confidence and what it means to be humbled through decision making.
part III:
happy anniversary, clay! awwwwwyeah....!
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